Soul Eater is a manga written by Atsushi Okubo and serialized in the magazine Monthly Shonen Gangan. It was first released as 3 separate one-shots in 2003 and became a regular series in 2004. Set in the Shinigami technical school for weapon meisters, the series revolves around 3 groups of each a weapon meister and a human weapon. Trying to make the latter a "Death Scythe" and thus fit for use by the Shinigami, they must collect the souls of 99 evil humans and 1 witch. The series is being made into an anime, which started Monday April 7, 2008, and is animated by Bones.
The series is being made into an anime and air on April 7th 2008. It is broadcast Mondays at 6 pm on TV Tokyo. The series is animated by Bones.[1] The opening theme song is sung by T.M.Revolution, and is called 'Resonance'. The official Japanese website of the Soul Eater anime series has announced that each episode will air in two different versions: the regular Monday 6:00 p.m. version and a late-night "Soul Eater Late Show" version with added special footage. The dual broadcast of this supernatural action series is being billed as the "world's first evening and late-night resonance broadcast." The "resonance" term refers to a story concept in which the characters, such as the heroine Maka and her living weapon partner Soul Eater, achieve maximum power by synchronizing their souls.[2]
As of April, 09 2008, Square Enix announced "Soul Eater Monotone Princess" exclusively for the Wii.
Official Anime Site:
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