Last Exile is a steampunk anime directed by Koichi Chigira for the anime studio Gonzo Digimation. It ran on TV Tokyo from April to September, 2003. It was brought to American audiences through Tech TV's television program Anime Unleashed in March 2004. It ended in December of the same year, with a full season marathon on Christmas Day. In Canada, it began to air on the digital channel G4TechTV Canada on July 22, 2007, at 8 p.m. ET/PT.
The animation features a combination of 2-D and 3-D CGI sequences; several key staff members such as the character designer Range Murata and Gonzo veteran Mahiro Maeda had previously worked on the production of Blue Submarine No. 6 which was done in a similar style.
The series is also notable for having much of the text in English but written with Greek letters, with all numbers given in Roman numerals, though longer sections of visible text use actual Greek.
The story revolves around Claus Valca and Lavie Head, a young courier pilot and his navigator, and their adventures in the floating world of Prester. In this romantic sky world based on stylized Victorian fashion and society, two countries, Anatole and Dysis (sometimes phonetically rendered as Anatoray and Disith), are engaged in a long and bloody war under the supervision of the mysterious Guild. Claus and Lavie, piloting their vanship (a small wingless aircraft) find themselves involved in a plot surrounding a mysterious little girl named Alvis Hamilton, whom they must deliver as "cargo" to the much-feared neutral battleship "Silvana".
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