In early 20th century, the human race faced a revolutionary aviation era, thanks to Ultra-Vox and Dr. Stier who invented the next generation of power generators in aviation. Aero Fleets covered the skies of major cities in Europe and almost every child dreamt of becoming a pilot someday. As a result of the new revolution many flight academies were founded. Among them stood out 'Moulin de Ciel' which was acknowledged as the best flight academy in the world. 'Moulin de Ciel' was an Aero Fleet itself flying across the globe providing the best flight training to pilot students of the world, training them to become the best of the best.
In Aeronauts, the player becomes a new student of 'Moulin de Ciel' and starts off in training to be the best pilot in 'Moulin de Ciel' and of the world.
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